Monthly Archives: June 2016

LSU Libraries ranked 15th in U.S. for articles advancing specialized librarianship

LSU was recognized on June 13, 2016, at the annual Special Libraries Association (SLA) convention, during an event that presented a countdown of the top U.S. universities, ranked by the number of papers their subject specialist librarians have published over

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Exhibition: “From Grand Village to Bluff City: 300 Years of Natchez History”

The Mississippi River’s fertile flood plain coupled with its role as a major economic artery connecting north and south firmly established the links between Natchez, Miss., and Louisiana early in their development as outposts of the colonial empires of multiple

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Construction update: Math lab opens in Middleton Library

Students in Math 1021, 1022, and 1023 are now able to do their required lab hours in rooms 300X and 300Y Middleton Library, in the newly-opened math lab on the third floor. Formerly located in Pleasant Hall, the math lab’s

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Studying Sherlock: The Russell Mann Sherlock Holmes Research Collection

A large selection of Sherlock Holmes fiction, scholarship, and memorabilia was recently donated to the LSU Libraries’ Special Collections by Russell Mann, a retired professor of journalism at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Mann started building the collection in

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