Monthly Archives: July 2014

LSU Libraries’ Elaine Smyth to retire

LSU Libraries’ assistant dean Elaine Smyth will retire on July 31 after more than 26 years of service to Louisiana State University. After earning her Master of Librarianship degree in 1979 from the University of Washington, Seattle, Smyth began her

Posted in Announcements

Second Floor computer lab closes

Last spring, the Student Technology Fee Committee announced a decision to close the ITS-run computer lab on the second floor of Middleton Library. Students returning in the fall will have roomy area for studying and plugging in. The computer lab

Posted in Announcements

Spot the fake

In 2010, a woman brought a copy of the July 2/4, 1863, edition of the Vicksburg Daily Citizen for an appraisal on the popular PBS series, Antiques Roadshow, at the time touring in Biloxi, Mississippi.  An especially famous newspaper, this

Posted in Resources, Special Collections Tagged with:

LSU Librarian delivers workshop for 4-H University

On June 18th and 19th, 25 Louisiana 4-H students attended Info U: Developing Your Personal Brand with Information Skills and Social Media, an LSU 4-H University/Clover College workshop designed to introduce students to responsible digital citizenship and the size and

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